It is associated with feeling physically and emotionally healthy to have a healthy sex drive. So it should come as no surprise that food might aid in getting you back in the groove. It could be time to look more closely at your food if you’ve experienced a fall in your sexual performance. These seventeen foods that increase size are full of nutrients that might boost your libido and even enhance your general health. For sex, any wholesome food is suitable. However, some things are more advantageous than others.

Foods that increase your penis size and sex drive

1) Watermelon:

L-citrulline, a non-essential amino acid that your body converts to L-arginine in your body, is one of the most abundant naturally occurring sources in watermelon. And the L-arginine is what can contribute to a stronger erection. L-arginine, like the tiny blue pill, stimulates nitric oxide production, which boosts blood flow to the penis and makes erections stronger.

Read:- “21 Ways To Blow Her Mind In Bed – EVERY Time.”

2) Apples:

The saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” may also apply to your sexual endurance. It’s all due to the abundance of quercetin in apples, an antioxidant flavonoid that has been linked to increased endurance. You might think of endurance as extending the amount of time you spend in bed since your body experiences many of the same physical changes during sex that it does during exercise—an accelerated heart rate, an increased metabolism, calories burnt, and muscle contractions.

3) Ginger:

Another meal that can enhance your sex life is ginger, which promotes arterial health and blood flow. A study published in the International Journal found that all it takes to help your heart is a teaspoon of the substance a few times each week. So feel free to order a second sushi order this week, just don’t forget to remove the ginger off your dish.

4) Bananas:

The banana fruit is rich in potassium, which will keep you going, as well as simple carbohydrates, which will provide you energy. The mineral avoids cramps and muscle spasms that could interfere with your sex time. Additionally, potassium, according to the American Heart Association, may help lower blood pressure, which may improve sexual performance by ensuring normal blood flow to the genitalia and other regions of the body.

5) Garlic:

Researchers claim that the ancient Egyptians utilized garlic to increase their stamina. Consuming garlic extract helps prevent the growth of new fatty deposits, known as plaque, inside arterial walls, according to a Journal of Nutrition study. Yes, that also applies to the arteries that supply your penis. Put some garlic in your weekly meals to keep your heart healthy and your erections robust.

6) Pomegranate Juice:

Pomegranate juice, which is full of antioxidants that enhance blood flow, has been shown in a new study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research to help treat erectile dysfunction. Animal studies have also demonstrated that the elixir enhances long-term erectile response, despite the fact that POM Wonderful provided funding for this study.

Foods that increase size >7) Beets:

It aids in boosting general blood flow, which is advantageous for the brain. Adult participants in a recent Physiology & Behavior study underwent a dosage of beet juice administration before engaging in a variety of cognitive tests. The scientists found that beet juice significantly increased blood flow to their brains and enhanced cognitive function. The roots’ untapped power? Beets contain nitrates, which are transformed into nitrite in the body and enhance sexual power.

Foods that increase size > 8) Avocado:

According to a Nutrition Journal study, a deficiency in B-vitamins, which are nutrients that maintain the health of your nerves and brain cells, may be aggravating your stress even more. The answer? Avocados are a good source of monounsaturated fat, which has been proved to improve blood flow throughout the body, especially to the penis, in addition to being high in stress-relieving B vitamins.

Foods that increase size > 9) Meat:

To enhance your sex life, increase your intake of different types of meat. Carnitine, L-arginine, and zinc are found in beef, chicken, and pork. The amino acids L-arginine and carnitine increase blood flow. Both men and women need uninterrupted blood flow for a sexual response. These two minerals, according to NYU Langone Medical Center, may help certain men who suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Foods that increase size >10) Oysters:

You’ve probably heard of oysters’ aphrodisiac qualities. Oysters, clams, and scallops contain substances that increase levels of both testosterone and estrogen, according to research presented at an American Chemical Society meeting in 2005. In many circumstances, an increase in hormone production results in an increase in sexual desire. Additionally, oysters are a great source of zinc, which promotes blood flow to the reproductive organs in both sexes.


Eat eggs to maintain a healthy erection. L-arginine, an amino acid found in eggs, can help with erectile dysfunction. Even some specific foods might increase hormone levels and keep your heart rate up, improving your sex life just through nutrition isn’t always possible.

 Related: – Can You Do Exercises to Make Your Penis Bigger?

If you’re having trouble having an intimate relationship with your spouse because you lack desire, have discomfort during sex, or are impotent, talk to your doctor.

12) Dark Chocolate :

Both serotonin and dopamine are released at higher amounts in the brain after eating chocolate, which elevates our mood and reduces stress. According to a different idea, cocoa relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow via the arteries, delivering more blood to all the proper places. Whatever the cause, eating chocolate is always a good idea.

13) Peppers

The better, the hotter they are. Spicy foods raise your metabolism and trigger endorphins, which causes you to perspire, puff up your lips, and beat more quickly. All of the vital places start to receive blood as a result. the final outcome? Both the sex and the conclusion were better. (However, if you intend to handle habaeros, take cautious to wash your hands before approaching delicate body regions.

14) Pumpkin Seeds

Even though a Pumpkin Spice Latte may be on your thoughts first thing in the morning, obtaining some nourishment from a real pumpkin before bed may have a greater positive impact. Pumpkin seeds can actually improve your mood. They are among the greatest food sources of tryptophan, an amino acid that aids in the synthesis of serotonin in the brain. If you already take antidepressants to help the brain produce serotonin, these mini pumpkin pick-me-ups can increase their potency.

15) Fatty Fish

The abundance of omega-3 fatty acids in oily coldwater fish like wild salmon, sardines, and tuna is well known, but here’s something you might not know: The vitamin increases dopamine levels in the brain in addition to being good for your heart. According to Bjork and Nelson, this increase in dopamine causes blood flow and circulation to improve, which leads to arousal. In addition: Dopamine increases your sense of comfort and connection with your partner, which makes sex more enjoyable, Nelson continues. Just be sure to purchase the proper kind.

16) Blueberries

In a good sense, blueberries make things more challenging. Eating foods high in flavonoids is linked to a lower incidence of ED in men, according to a joint study from the University of East Anglia and Harvard University. Anthocyanins (found in blueberries), flavanones, and flavones (both found in citrus fruits) are three of the six major types of flavonoids that provide the biggest advantages in avoiding ED.

17 ) Nuts

How nuts can increase sexual stamina is as follows: The amino acid L-arginine, which is one of the components of nitric oxide—a naturally occurring gas that aids men in maintaining their erections—is present in pistachios, peanuts, and walnuts. Nuts also assist in lowering cholesterol levels. Less cholesterol in your body makes it easier for blood to flow through your body and down to your penis, which may help you sustain a harder erection for a longer period of time. Keep working hard and decrease abdominal fat with these deadly 50 finest snack foods.

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