A large variety of penis enlargement pills/capsules are available in the market by different manufacturers. Most of them work on the theory that the herbal ingredients of the male enhancement pills increase the blood flow in the penis thereby pushing its size.
Can a Penis Enlargement Pill add 3″ to your Penis?
A penis pill that worked for your friend may not work for you and vice versa so you have to be careful in choosing the enlargement pills that work. So which Pill to choose? Don’t worry we have done the research for you!
In other words, Don’t buy any Penis Pills till you read this special report.
We promise you the most updated and exhaustive review of the products on the Net.
Based upon over 25 different classifications such as efficiency of results , quality of ingredients , speed of action, price justification, company reputation etc.
Based upon our detailed examination, we have selected a few pills that have a proven track record and are known to work for the majority of people. After trying most of these pills we have found ONLY A FEW that work and we have reviewed them for you.
Below are the Top 3 penis pills we have chosen for you.
In conclusion Don’t forget to check out the full list of the top penis pills so you can compare them and decide which one appeals to you the most. Remember we only list quality products and not Top 10 or Top 20 just to make you buy something or the other.
Our Exclusive Reviews
1- Prosolution Pills

Prosolution Pills
Manufactured & Distributed By: WorldNiche Herbals
2414 4th Avenue
Greeley, CO
United States of America
Reference Code- 101858
That is to say it Adding up to 3 inches in length and girth is quick and easy with Prosolution. Prosolution is great for:
– Speed of results and effectiveness: Prosolution is known to have produced quick results for a good percentage of people who have used it. Their “Extra Strength” formula includes 2 trademarked ingredients that NO OTHER pill can contain (hence the quicker results).
– Credibility and product guarantee: ProSolution Pills can boast the longest guarantee in the industry a FULL 6 months.
Doctor and herbalist approved: A great product on the market with doctor and herbalist endorsements.
Users typically gain about 3 inches in length and about 25% in girth with Prosolution Pills. With a success rate of 95%, you can be guaranteed that you will get QUICK and FAST results with the ProSolution Pills system!
ProSolution pills are regarded as one of the most reliable today. Our Research reveals the Prosolution indeed lives up to its promise. Their unique formula is highly effective due to its perfect blend of top-quality natural ingredients. Additionally, you can experience harder erections, better ejaculation control, and more stamina.
WorldNiche Herbals, the parent company for these pills, has done intensive research, with over 2 years of testing and preparation in FDA certificated laboratories, using a highly qualified team of developers and cutting edge technology to develop Extra Strength Prosolution Pills. In addition, they give you a free membership to For Men Only™ exercise program which is voted as one of the best Penis Enlargement Exercise sites. This allows you to combine your Pills with exercises which means up to 50% Faster Results! Wouldn’t you like that?
You might ask why Prosolution is Rated #2 and not #1. The main reason is that Prosolution is more expensive than Vimax which not all our readers can afford. Plus our research shows slightly better results with Vimax than Prosolution.
- Zinc
- Taj and Safflower:
- Reishi Mushroom:
- Ginko Biloba (extract)
- Musli:
- Momordica:
- Shatavari:
- Apigenin and Amla
- Drilizen™
- Arjuna
- Solidilin™
- Cordyceps
- Bladderwrack
Lots of independent sites have rated PSP #1. Here is an example of a few sites:
Ultimate Shaft – http://www.ultimateshaft.com
premature ejaculation
ProSolution® Plus is one of the few natural supplements  as a result, so, you can use to reduce premature ejaculation.
As the description implies, you can define the latter as uncontrolled ejaculation before or shortly after penetration, with minimal stimulation and before you want to release.
As a rough guideline, you’re in premature ejaculation territory if you ejaculate less than two minutes after penetration.
In other words, Estimates put the number of men affected by premature ejaculation at between 20% and 30% of the world’s population.
Doctor recomended : visit ( prosolution.com ) to see recomended
Prosolution is now available as Prosolution Gel !
Geet even faster results with direct application of Prosolution Gel on the Penis. With fast penetration, the formula feels the power and strength of this great new product immediately. Click here to know more…
Click here to Visit Official Prosoltion Gel Website
2-vigRX pills

Manufactured By: VigRX Herbals
2414 4th Avenue
Greeley, CO
United States of America
This probably is the most famous penis enlargement pill available. Ron Jeremy has endorsed them and have commercials on TV featuring him and other top porn stars talking about how well VigRX works. So with all the hype, does it actually work? According to us, YES IT DOES. In the first few weeks, we could not notice much change in the penis size or hardness. But as time goes by, you can see your penis grow and erections lengthen which has stayed so far (3 years) so we can safely say that the results were permanent. Therefore, in our experience these pills are like a tortoise which begins slowly but ultimately wins the race.
watch video
This pill, often advertised as used by porn stars all over the world, has been available for a long time with good reputation. It also retails slightly cheaper than the top two pills. VigRX boasts of a good customer support and fast shipping. Although it is a great pill and produces good results, we have rated them at #3 because our tests show VigRX taking longer than Vimax and Prosolution to produce results. However, as mentioned before, the end results were impressive and permanent. So if you are not in a hurry to enlarge your penis and want permanent results, VigRX is a great option for you.
Typical feedback from VigRX users suggests up to 2.5″ length growth and about 20% thickness increase over a period of time with continuous use. In addition, they report harder erections and more sexual stamina.
VigRX also offers an unconditional 60 day, 100% Money Back Guarantee on all purchases making your investment a risk free venture. read more here
- Saw Palmetto
- Epimedium extract
- Ginko Biloba extract
- Panax Ginseng
- Muira Puama (extract)
- Catauba Bark (extract)
- Semen Cuscutae (Cuscuta Seed Powder)
- Fructus Crataefl ( Hawthorn Berry Powder )
Click here to find out about what these ingredients do?
Raw Testimonials From Guys Using VigRX Plus click here to see Testimonials
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